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Welcome to the Arc the Lad image gallery.
This is where Toshu has stored his favorite pictures. The first gallery is dedicated to pictures from the anime series. The second is split into two categories pictures from the Arc the Lad Character art book and scans from the manga and several doujinshi. I will try to include both the front and back cover to all of the books. The third will be pictures from the video game and it's corresponding strategy guide.
Anime Pictures
Art Book/ Manga Scans
Video Game Pictures
Last but not least at any count is my collection of fan art. These special people have granted me their permission to display their fabulous works to all. For more information you may email them or as highly recommended visit their websites.
Do not take the fan art without the creator's permission no matter how great it is. These people worked very hard to make these and it would be polite of you to ask them ESPECIALLY if you are going to put it on your own site. Some of these people have copyrights. You can be sued. I thank you for your cooperation with these rules. Please enjoy!
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Above picture courtesy of the Sony Computer Entertainment Company.